OMEGA500 UNPLUGGED Kit with Headband-mounted Rechargeable Battery mPack UNPLUGGED

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Complete freedom, no cables, and no compromises regarding performance with the mPack UNPLUGGED Headband-Mounted Rechargeable Battery

  • More than 8 hours of ON time with LED illumination.
  • Minimum 2 hours of ON time with XHL illumination, depending on the brightness setting.
  • 2 hours quick charge time.
  • Exclusive 5 step battery level display tells you the remaining battery charge as well as the charge status.
  • Our exclusive mobile charger allows you to power your instrument and charge it at the same time.
  • For office based environments: The Wall Transformer EN 50 UNPLUGGED with automatic ON/OFF function and the ability to charge a spare battery.

Kit containing:

  • The OMEGA500 with LED- or XHL Illumination,
  • The HC 50 L Headband Rheostat,
  • A Headband-mounted Rechargeable Battery mPack UNPLUGGED,
  • Corresponding Plug-in Transformer.


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